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Supervisor: Jan Arlt
Temperature has a minimum and for a long time, experimental physics has strived to approach this absolute zero in the hopes of…
Supervisor: Anne E. B. Nielsen
What does an everyday object like an egg box have to do with quantum mechanics and high-powered lasers? One might…
Speaker: Mikko Möttönen, Aalto University, Finland Title: Low-temperature detectors can boost superconducting quantum computers
Ass. Professor at Niels Bohr Institute Jason Koskinen will give a talk titled: The Ghost Particle and a Gigaton of Ice at the South Pole
Supervisor: Aurelien Dantan
I 1935 udgav Einstein, Podolski og Rosen deres berømte artikel, hvori de opstiller et paradoks i kvantemekanikken. Enten…
Paul Lecoq from CERN will give an online seminar titled: New trends in PET imaging
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted
I dette kollokvium udforskes edderkoppespindets forbløffende egenskaber. Jeg præsenterer edderkoppesilkens enestående…
Andrew Jirasek from the University of British Columbia will give a talk titled: Using Raman spectroscopy and data analytics for monitoring radiation…
Supervisor: Samuel Schindler
Klassisk mekanik har længe formet vores verdensbillede med determinisme og forudsigelighed. Men når vi træder ind i…
IFA inviterer skoleklasser til Science Day 4. Oktober 9.00-14.00
Supervisor: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen
Kollokviets formål er at oplyse, om de personer og idéer, som har formet teori og forskning indenfor mekanik…
Supervisor: Hans Fynbo
"How to make money as a physicist?"
That question arises naturally towards the end of a physics student's education, and in…
Professor Justin Wells from University of Oslo will give a talk titled: Observing and understanding electron-boson interactions in interfaces,…
Title: Imaging topological quantum states by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Title: Studying Stellar Evolution using Asteroseismology of Red Giants in Globular Clusters
The conference aims to explore the physics of quantum degenerate atomic gases, cold ions, as well as atomically thin semiconductors with a particular…
Speaker: Adi Pick, Faculty of Sciences, Applied Physics Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Title: Optimal adiabatic protocols for…
Leonid Rokhinson will give a talk about: "Transport in 1D helical Luttinger liquids in the fractional quantum Hall regime"
Asger Gardner forsvarer sit speciale: "Laser-induced structuring of Titanium getters in Vacuum-Insulating Glass"
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