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1Institute of Physics, Martin-Luther-Universität…
Dr. Stefan Kowarik, The Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, will give a seminar on "Real-time monitoring and control of semiconductor…
Titel: Graphene-like Coatings on Inconel 625 and Stainless Steel 304 Studied Using AES, SEM, STM and XPS.
Vejleder: Liv Hornekær
Censor: Per Morgen
Titel: Design, Build & Testing of an Experimental Setup for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Ultra-high Vacuum and in situ Measurements of…
Supervisor: Nathan Harshman
Date student colloquium:…
IFAs ledelse har besluttet at støtte op om en Medarbejderfredagsbar. Der har længe været et ønske om bedre muligheder for regelmæssigt at kunne mødes…
Supervisor: Torben René Jensen
Date student colloquium: 18 maj 2017 kl. 15:15
Et batteri er efter hånden noget vi…
Supervisor: Jacob G. Johansen
Abstract: Entanglement between two trapped ions is carried via a vibrational phonon mediator. This relatively slow, second order interaction is…
Supervisor: Jeppe Vang Lauritsen
Date student colloquium: 15/05/17 kl. 14:15
Currently photolithography is…
Robert E. Continetti
University of California
"Additional Perspectives:…
Supervisor: Aurelian Romain Dantan
Date Student colloquium: 11/5 2017 kl. 15:15
Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen
Dato: 11/5 klokken 14.15
Ever since the first telescope was made…
Dissociation Dynamics and Particle Impacts:…
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
Date student colloquium: mandag 8 maj kl. 14.15-15.00
Gravity is the last of the…
Titel: Extreme Worlds - by associate professor Simon Albrecht
Tid: Friday 5. May 2017, 3.15 - 4.00 pm (coffee and cake from 3.05 pm)
Sted: Auditoriu…
The ESA/Roskosmos ExoMars Rover (launch from Baikonur in July 2020, landing in March 2021) will be one of several spacecraft to be sent to Mars during…
Titel: Eksperimentelt studie af beta-forsinket alpha-henfald af 16N målt på CERN.
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
Censor: Peter Christiansen
Supervisor: Simon Albrecht
Date Student Colloquium: 04/05/17 15:15
Supervisor: Jacob Graversen Johansen
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