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Join us for ORC, when Nini Pruds from DTU visits.
He will give a talk titled: Advancements in Thin Film Oxides: Exploring Interface Functionalities …
Join us for an exciting afternoon
Most young late-type stars are rapid rotators, because they have the primordial rotation rates induced by the interstellar molecular cloud from which…
Vejleder: Alberto ImparatoMandag den 29. september kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Hvad er…
Titel: Optimal heterogenitet i et paneuropæisk el-netværk med høj andel af vedvarende energi. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Nicolai Gayle Nygaard
AMO Seminar
Speaker: Thomas Baumert fra Universitaet Kassel / Institut fuer Physik und CINSaT
Title: Photoelectron Circular Dichroism from…
"Clustering and response functions of light nuclei."
Yasuyuki Suzuki
RIKEN, Japan
Speaker: Claudio Llinares, UiO, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo
Abstract: In the context of…
Alle kolleger, der har lyst til at sige farvel til Jens og samtidig få et stykke mad, er velkomne.
In this talk, I will discuss the interest of adopting the Bayesian point-of-view for the estimation of stellar parameters. I will shortly review the…
Alle kolleger, der har lyst til at sige farvel til Kate og samtidig få et stykke mad, er velkomne.
I will discuss stellar evolution in close binaries and highlight some exotic outcomes. Examples of the differences from single stellar evolution will…
'Millisecond Pulsars: Multifaceted Astrophysical Laboratories'
Thomas M. Tauris
Universität Bonn / MPIfR
Titel: Computersimuleringer af molekylær diffusion i dendritter med spinae. Vejleder: Sune Nørhøj Jespersen. Censor: Mogens Høgh Jensen
Titel: Mass-ubalanceret tre-legeme rekombination i kolde atomare gasser. Vejleder: Dmitri Fedorov. Censor: Per Hedegård
Vejleder: Niels Balling
Mandag den 8. september kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Introducing the concept of…