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Titel: Analysis of a Payload for AU-SAT. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen. Censor: Allan Hornstrup.
Vejleder: Simon Albrecht. Censor: Allan Hornstrup.
Vejleder: Jan Arlt. Censor: Anders Brusch
Vejleder: Jacob Sherson. Censor: Bjarne Andresen.
Vejleder: Jacob Sherson. Censor: Bjarne Andresen
Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are among the most important polluters of the interstellar medium. Their rich nucleosynthesis occurs in a wide…
Titel: A Study in Stellar Properties by Time Series Analysis of KEPLER Data. Vejleder: hans Kjeldsen. Censor: Allan Hornstrup.
Titel: High Fidelity Fluid Fuel Reactor Multiphysics. Vejledere: Hans Fynbo og Peter Szabo. Censor: Bent Lauritzen.
Optical spectroscopy of strained germanium micro-structures
Kévin Guilloy, Institute for Nanosciences and Cryogenics, Université Grenoble Alpes …