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Join us for the next Ole Rømer Colloquium where Professor, Dr. Hans-Werner Hammer from TU Darmstadt will visit us
Bacterial spores are a powerful biodosimetric system for environmental monitoring and astrobiological studies both in space flight and ground-based…
Titel: Constraining Interactions in The Dark Sector by CMB and LSS Data. Vejleder: Steen Hannestad. Censor: Steen H. Hansen
Titel: Modified Gravity in N-body Simulations. Vejleder: Steen Hannestad. Censor: Steen H. Hansen
Titel: Spectroscopy of Chlorophyll Dimer Systems in Vacu. Vejleder: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen. Censor: Henrik G. Kjærgaard.
Titel: Groundwork for a New Data-Driven Formulation of a Simple Dynamic Wind Farm Model. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Jens Juul Rasmussen.
Titel: Electrifying the US with Wind and Solar Energy. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Jens Juul Rasmussen.
Titel: The Design of an Electron Spectrometer for the New Storage Ring, Xring. Vejleder: Henrik B. Pedersen. Censor: Martin Meedom Nielsen
Titel: Optimization of Asteroseismic Analysis of Kepler Timeseries. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen Censor: Uffe Gråe Jørgensen
Titel: Collective Emission Effects of Ensembles of Atoms in Experimentally Realized Fibre Optical Atom Traps. Vejleder: Klaus Mølmer. Censor: Jens…
Titel: Undervisning i Laserfysik på fysik C-nieau. Vejleder: Peter Balling. Censor: Jens Højgaard Jensen.
Titel: E-learning IN a High School Environment - Teaching Differentiation for Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics. Vejleder: Jacob Sherson og Niels…
Titel: V106 - A Blue Straggler Binary Star in the Old Open Cluster NGC 6791. Vejleder: Frank Grundahl og Karsten Frank Brogaard. Censor: Anja C.…
Superfluidity, condensation and coherence are intimately connected. In 3D systems such as bulk 4He and conventional superconductors,…
Title: Ultracold Atoms in Ring Lattices
Speaker: Kunal K. Das, Professor at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
AbstractWith two different kinds…
Titel: Generation of Arbitrary Potential Landscapes for Ultra Cold Atoms. Vejleder: Jacob Sherson. Censor: Jörg Helge Müller
Titel: Few-Cycle Mid-Infrared Laser Pulses: Ionization of Atoms and Molecules. Vejleder: Henrik Stapelfeldt. Censor: Jan W. Thomsen
Speaker: Isabelle Bouchoule, Institut d’Optique, France
Title: One-dimensionnal Bose gases in momentum space: equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium…
Speaker: Charles Adams, Durham University, UK
Title: Dipolar QED (dQED): an alternative paradigm for quantum optics.
Time and place: Thursday…