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The National Space Conference 2024 will be hosted at Aarhus University - 26-27 November 2024. This will be a unique opportunity to explore some of the…
Join us for the next Ole Rome Colloquium where Prof. Jes Kristian Jørgensen from NBI will visit us.
Tilmelding ved Heidi Pedersen, lokale 1522-312
IFA og PS! inviterer til julefrokost. Tilmelding ved Heidi Pedersen, i 1522-312
Bacterial spores are a powerful biodosimetric system for environmental monitoring and astrobiological studies both in space flight and ground-based…
Titel: Constraining Interactions in The Dark Sector by CMB and LSS Data. Vejleder: Steen Hannestad. Censor: Steen H. Hansen
Titel: Modified Gravity in N-body Simulations. Vejleder: Steen Hannestad. Censor: Steen H. Hansen
Titel: Spectroscopy of Chlorophyll Dimer Systems in Vacu. Vejleder: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen. Censor: Henrik G. Kjærgaard.
Titel: Groundwork for a New Data-Driven Formulation of a Simple Dynamic Wind Farm Model. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Jens Juul Rasmussen.
Titel: Electrifying the US with Wind and Solar Energy. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Jens Juul Rasmussen.
Titel: The Design of an Electron Spectrometer for the New Storage Ring, Xring. Vejleder: Henrik B. Pedersen. Censor: Martin Meedom Nielsen
Titel: Optimization of Asteroseismic Analysis of Kepler Timeseries. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen Censor: Uffe Gråe Jørgensen
Titel: Collective Emission Effects of Ensembles of Atoms in Experimentally Realized Fibre Optical Atom Traps. Vejleder: Klaus Mølmer. Censor: Jens…
Titel: Undervisning i Laserfysik på fysik C-nieau. Vejleder: Peter Balling. Censor: Jens Højgaard Jensen.
Titel: E-learning IN a High School Environment - Teaching Differentiation for Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics. Vejleder: Jacob Sherson og Niels…
Titel: V106 - A Blue Straggler Binary Star in the Old Open Cluster NGC 6791. Vejleder: Frank Grundahl og Karsten Frank Brogaard. Censor: Anja C.…
Superfluidity, condensation and coherence are intimately connected. In 3D systems such as bulk 4He and conventional superconductors,…
Title: Ultracold Atoms in Ring Lattices
Speaker: Kunal K. Das, Professor at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
AbstractWith two different kinds…
Titel: Generation of Arbitrary Potential Landscapes for Ultra Cold Atoms. Vejleder: Jacob Sherson. Censor: Jörg Helge Müller
Titel: Few-Cycle Mid-Infrared Laser Pulses: Ionization of Atoms and Molecules. Vejleder: Henrik Stapelfeldt. Censor: Jan W. Thomsen
Speaker: Isabelle Bouchoule, Institut d’Optique, France
Title: One-dimensionnal Bose gases in momentum space: equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium…
Speaker: Charles Adams, Durham University, UK
Title: Dipolar QED (dQED): an alternative paradigm for quantum optics.
Time and place: Thursday…