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Quantum Campus Aarhus (QCA) invites all employees and students at Aarhus University, interested in quantum technologies, to the next QUBITS Seminar.
Group Leader Federico Mazzola, from Institute for Superconductors, Innovative Materials and Devices, will give a talk titled: Signatures of surface…
Claire Vallance, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford and Till Jahnke, Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe Universität will visit us and…
Titel: Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties of Disordered Networks. Vejleder: Alberto Imparato. Censor: Michael Andersen Lomholt.
Recent high angular resolution ALMA observations of the 1.1 mm continuum and of HCO+J=3–2 and HCN J=3–2 gas towards the binary protostar IRS 43 reveal…
Vejleder: Dmitri Fedorov
29/9/2016 14.15Fys. Aud.
Trådløst internet bruges af de…
Within the last 10 years and at an accelerating pace, space-based observations have been exposing the interiors of stars at all stages of their…
Vejleder: Steen Brøndsted
26. september 2016, klokken 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
Er det…
Vejleder: Henrik B. Pedersen
26/09/2016 – 14:15Fysisk Auditorium
Det kan virke utroligt at…
Is it possible to get hired by a large company when you recently completed your education,…
Superflares are flares that release total energy 10∼10^4 times greater than that of the biggest solar flares with energy of ∼10^32 erg. We searched…
Vejleder: Hans Fynbo
22/9 –16 kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Drømmen om en næsten uudtømmelig energikilde har drevet…
AMO Seminar
Title: Collective dynamics in interacting systems of quantum emitters
Speaker: Claudiu Genes, Institute for Theoretical Physics…
Supervisor: Jeppe V. Lauritsen
19/09-2016, 15.15Physical Auditorium
Hydrogen has…
Vejleder: Jan Arlt
15-9-2016 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
I dag er det at…
12-09-16 kl. 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
Fusionsreaktorer udgør et af de bedste bud på en kilde…
Vejleder: Steffen Ringgaard
MRI (kaldet NMR i forbindelse med fysik og kemi) fylder mere og mere i både medicinsk…
Titel: Properties of Resonantly Interacting Three-Body Systems. Vejleder: Dmitri Fedorov og Aksel Jensen. Censor: Thomas Døssing.
Titel: The Lifetime of Er3+ Ions Embedded in TiO2 Near Au Nanostructures. Vejleder: Brian Julsgaard. Censor: Martijn Wubs.
Speaker: Paul Corkum, Joint Attosecond Science Lab University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada
Title: Probing quantum systems from…
The quest for identifying the bulk chemical composition of extrasolar planets and robust observational evidence that between 25% and 50% of all Milky…
Titel: Carnegie Supernova Project: Observations of the Superluminous Supernova SN 2015bn. Vejleder: Maximilian Stritzinger. Censor: Johan Fynbo.
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