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Join us for the next Ole Rømer Colloquium where Professor, Dr. Hans-Werner Hammer from TU Darmstadt will visit us
What is wrong with the received view of the discovery of the electron?
Theodore Arabatzis
Department of Philosophy and History of Science University…
Titel: Udvikling af et Dosisplanlægningssystem og nye Dosisplanlægningsstrategier til Ionterapi
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager. Censor: Mikael Jensen,…
Non-Galilean response of Rashba coupled Fermi gases
We consider the effect of a momentum kick on the ground state of a non-interacting…
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AU's kommende rektor Brian Bech Nielsen er på "institut-tour" i dette forår, hvor han gerne vil mødes med så mange medarbejdere som…
The International Team at Science & Technology invites you to an information meeting about research funding and collaboration opportunities in Brazil …
A real-space Renormalization Group for Quantum Walks
A renormalization group (RG) treatment of quantum walks (QW) holds significant promise for…
Speaker: Rosaria Simoniello, Laboratoire AIM, CEA/DSM-CNRS-Université Paris Diderot, IRFU/SAp, Centre de Saclay, F-91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, France …
Vejleder: Ole J. Knudsen
Mandag den 3. juni kl.…