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Join us for ORC, when Nini Pruds from DTU visits.
He will give a talk titled: Advancements in Thin Film Oxides: Exploring Interface Functionalities …
Join us for an exciting afternoon
Rigmor og Carl Holst-Knudsens Videnskabspris
Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfonds ph.d.-pris
Abstract: Thermodynamic laws have been key for the design of useful everyday devices from car engines and fridges to power plants and solar cells.…
A number of experiments demonstrated the possibility of observing fascinating quantum effects with continuously probed and pumped atomic…
Lars Christiansen, AU
Title: Laser-induced alignment of molecules in helium nanodroplets: Environment-limited rotation
Leonid Zhigilei, University of Virginia
Peter Balling
Laser-induced structural and phase…
Supervisor: Ludvig P. Muren
Proton therapy is a method for treating cancer, which, in comparison to photons, give a very localized dose distribution.…
Discoveries of exoplanets so different from those in our Solar System have called in question conventional theories for how planetary systems form and…
A quantum memory based on an atomic ensemble can act as a high-performance interface between atom and light in a quantum network and is an…
Supervisor: Matthias Heymann
Ifølge klimafremskrivninger er vi nødt til at reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser kraftigt og meget snart, hvis ikke…
Supervisor: Jan Arlt
Det har været en drøm længe at lave en dipol-dipol interaktion i en ultrakold gas. Denne drøm nåede en stor milepæl i 2008, da…
Dear all,
You are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming
2nd International Workshop on Rydberg Excitons in Semiconductors,
to be…
Entanglement structure of current driven quantum many-body systems.
Michael Gullans, Princeton University
Aarhus Universitets ledelse inviterer alle studerende og medarbejdere til stormøde i Aulaen den 2. maj kl. 10-11.30. Her præsenterer…