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Quantum Campus Aarhus (QCA) invites all employees and students at Aarhus University, interested in quantum technologies, to the next QUBITS Seminar.
Group Leader Federico Mazzola, from Institute for Superconductors, Innovative Materials and Devices, will give a talk titled: Signatures of surface…
Claire Vallance, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford and Till Jahnke, Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe Universität will visit us and…
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
22. Dec kl 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
Bobler i stout og især Guinness viser et…
Citizen science is the practice of involving…
Titel: Investigation of Complex Control Landscapes of an Evaporative Cooling Process.
Vejleder: Jacob Sherson
Censor: Jorg Helge Muller
Vejleder: Karsten Frank Brogaard
19/12 kl. 15:15Fy…
Titel: Bevægelse og deformation af target under strålebehandling af spiserørscancer.
Censor: Faisal Mahmood
Titel: Gasfasespektroskopi af chromophor-ioner.
Vejleder: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Censor: Theis Sølling
Field-induced superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides
Jianting Ye
Device Physics of Complex Materials, Zernike Institute for…
The early Earth was characterised by anaerobic environmental conditions and a geological context very different from those of the Earth today.…
Noelle Walsh
MAX IV Laboratory, Lund, Sweden
Low Density Matter Research at MAX IV: A New Generation of Experiments
In recent years, it has become clear that the dynamics and secular evolution of galaxies is largely affected by their local environment:(possibly…
Our group currently investigates a new method to dispersively measure…
Experimental advances in controlling and probing single neutral atoms has proven…
Supervisor: Alberto Imparato
12/12 – 15:15Physical Auditorium
Man har set i eksperimenter, at…
Vejleder: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner
Titel: Characterization of Metal Nanoparticles and Their Interaction with Atomic Carbon and Carbon-based Molecules for Graphene Synthesis.
Vejleder: Thomas Bull Andersen
Dato og tidspunkt: 8/12-2016…
5/12 2016 kl. 15.15-16.00Fysisk Auditorium
Hvordan mon en kat…
Supervisor: Matthias Heymann
05/12, 14:15Physics Auditorium
There seems to a problem with…
Titel: Filling Space with Numbers: Geometry, Symmetry and Countability
Taler: Gæsteforsker Nathan L. Harshman
Tid: Fredag d. 2. december 2016, kl.…
Vejleder: Jacob Friis Sherson
24/11 kl. 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
En central karakteristik for…
Vejleder: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen
1/12/2016 kl. 14Fysisk…