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Join us for an exciting afternoon
Fredag d. 20. september afholder vi Matchmaking i Fysisk Kantine fra kl. 14-16.30.
Arrangementet foregår på 4 lokationer i samarbejde med iNANO, Kemi…
Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM) invites to the annual seminar titled: "Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with…
Supervisor: Victoria Antoci
Aarhus University is launching its first satellite called Delphini-1. It will be launched in 2018 in a collaboration…
Liv Hornekær, IFA
From 2D Materials Engineering to Interstellar Catalysis
Titel: Asteroseismic Analysis of G-Type Oscillation in Sub-Giant Stars. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen. Censor: Michael Bjerring Christiansen.
Supervisor: Jeppe Vang Lauritsen
The magnetic properties of thin films depend on their atomic structure. Crystalline thin films have atomic steps…
Vejleder: Christoffer Karoff
Har supernovaer historisk været afgørende for Jordens temperatur? Når man snakker om klimaforandringer, refereres der…
10:00-10:15: Coffee and buns
10:15-11:00: Dr. Caroline Champenois, PIIM, Aix-Marseille Universite-CNRS, France
Titel: Multiphoton Photopolymerization Around Metallic Nanoparticles: Towards 3D Mapping of the Optical Near-Field. Vejleder: Peter Balling.…