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Join us for an exciting afternoon
Fredag d. 20. september afholder vi Matchmaking i Fysisk Kantine fra kl. 14-16.30.
Arrangementet foregår på 4 lokationer i samarbejde med iNANO, Kemi…
Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM) invites to the annual seminar titled: "Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with…
Revealing the influence of water exchange in white matter on the NMR signal, deduced from two-and three compartment numerical phantoms.
Student & Research Group Matchmaking
Hans Fynbo og Steen Brøndsted Nielsen blev 1. februar 2020 ansat som henholdsvis professor i eksperimentel kernefysik og professor i eksperimentel…
Kvinder i fysik
Professor Conny Aerts, Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium
Asteroseismology : the Royal Road towards Stellar…
Title: Photon-photon interactions in waveguides and the physics of photon bound states
I anledning af at Søren Vrønning Hoffmann og Steen Brøndsted Nielsen har været ansat i statens tjeneste i 25 år, inviterer Institut for Fysik og…