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Supervisor: Jan Joachim Arlt
In this colloquium, we'll dive into the fascinating world of laser cooling, a technique that seems almost magical at…
Supervisor: Jan Arlt
Liquid Crystal (LC) lenses are a revolutionary technology that allows focus adjustment without moving mechanical parts. These…
Tilmelding ved Heidi Pedersen, lokale 1522-312
Join us for a talk titled: Dirac, Pauli, Schwinger and Keldysh: Understanding the inner workings of the champion solar-cell material through basic…
IFA og PS! inviterer til julefrokost. Tilmelding ved Heidi Pedersen, i 1522-312
Instituttet inviterer medarbejdere, studerende og kolleger til et symposium og efterfølgende reception for Lars H. Andersen
Title: Organic (photo)chemistry in space to the origins of life.
Title: Mutual neutralization and decay processes studied in the cryogenic double storage ring, DESIREE.
Instituttet markerer Liv Hornekærs 25 års jubilæum i Statens tjeneste
IFA inviterer tidligere studerende og ansatte til IFAs alumnedag 2024