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Join us for an exciting afternoon
Fredag d. 20. september afholder vi Matchmaking i Fysisk Kantine fra kl. 14-16.30.
Arrangementet foregår på 4 lokationer i samarbejde med iNANO, Kemi…
Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM) invites to the annual seminar titled: "Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with…
On Friday 31 October, we will show the movie/documentary Particle Fever.
No physics-skills required beyond what initially brought you to the…
Vejleder: Axel Svane
Torsdag den 30. oktober kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
En væsentlig andel af studerende…
Stellar rotation has several effects on stellar structure. It induces instabilities that mix chemical elements and angular momentum, deforms the star…
Institutlederen holder medarbejdermøde for IFA’s medarbejdere.
EU ITN Network within Circuit and Cavity QED
Please note different location
Title: Photophysics of small carbon cluster anions
Speaker: Klavs Hansen, University of Gothenburg / IFA
Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoinduced Surface Reactions and Phase Transitions in Solids
Martin Wolf …
"Chemical" and "mechanical" engineering of epitaxial graphene
Marko Kralj, Institut za fiziku, Zagreb, Croatia
Attractive properties of graphene can…
Titel: Gymnasieelevers motivation i fysikundervisningen - Et pilotstudium i styrkelse af elevers faglige selvtillid gennem pragmatisk brug af…
CoRoT and Kepler observations of red giants reveal very rich spectra of non-radial solar- like oscillations allowing us to probe their internal…
Speaker: Ralf Blattmann, University of Augsburg, Germany.
Title: Qubit interference at avoided crossings: The role of driving shape and bath…
Årets tema på IFA blev, som bekendt, Team Spirit, og i den…
'Imaging roots and origins of mountains by earthquake seismology'
Bo Holm Jacobsen
Dept. Geoscience, AU
In the…
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) provide a direct measure of the expansion history of the universe and have led to the discovery of the accelerated…
Vejleder: Søren R. Keiding
Mandag den 6. oktober kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Har du nogensinde hørt om en hvid…
Electronic structure of icosahedral quasicrystals and ferromagnetic shape memory alloyJayita Nayak, UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research,…
Vejleder: Jesper Folsted KallehaugeTorsdag den 2. oktober kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
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