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Join us for ORC, when Nini Pruds from DTU visits.
He will give a talk titled: Advancements in Thin Film Oxides: Exploring Interface Functionalities …
Join us for an exciting afternoon
Supervisor: Thomas Pohl
With the increasing use of digital communications, cryptography is becoming more important. In the time of letters, an…
Supervisor: Henrik B. Pedersen
Vi ved alle, at man generelt er ret stabil på en cykel i fart. Mange af os ved måske endda, at selv en rytterløs cykel…
Supervisor: Jon Merrison
Hail is a costly, although fascinating weather phenomenon. Everyone of us has seen pictures of giant, maybe tennis ball-size…
Supervisor Frank Grundahl
The invention and commercialisation of a light bulb is generally recognised as one of the biggest technological…
Supervisor: Simon Albrecht
For millenia humans have watched the night sky and observed the movements of the planets. In more recent times, we have…
Supervisor: Maximilian Stritzinger
What is the most distant, earliest forming galaxies? Attempting to answer this question can provide both a wealth…
Supervisor: Jan Arlt
In the post-war period, physicists paid little attention to fundamental interpretations of quantum mechanics – despite…
Supervisor: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner & Stig Elkjær Rasmussen
A particularly interesting and rapidly developing subfield of Machine Learning is that of…
Title: Thermo-Electric measurements for Antiferromagnetic Dirac materials
Title: Dipolar quantum droplets and supersolids
Supervisor: Lars Bojer Madsen
How long time does it take a particle to tunnel through a barrier? This seems like a simple question, but in the…
Chaos is something we encounter a tremendous amount of every day: It is in everything from the flow of fluids, the…
Title: Fighting time: Correcting diabatic quantum dynamics in control protocols
Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen and Simon Albrecht
Over the last 10 years, strong indications have been noticed that the known picture of the solar system…
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
When we humans look out into the universe, a longing to find someone that looks like us as well as places like the Earth…