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The National Space Conference 2024 will be hosted at Aarhus University - 26-27 November 2024. This will be a unique opportunity to explore some of the…
Join us for the next Ole Rome Colloquium where Prof. Jes Kristian Jørgensen from NBI will visit us.
Tilmelding ved Heidi Pedersen, lokale 1522-312
IFA og PS! inviterer til julefrokost. Tilmelding ved Heidi Pedersen, i 1522-312
Supervisor: Liv Hornekær
I studiet om astronomi bliver man hurtigt bekendt med navne som Kepler, Herzsprung, Hubble, Einstein og Chandrasekhar.…
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Har du nogensinde overvejet, hvordan man skal bære sig ad som aspirerende astrofotograf? Kunne du godt tænke dig at…
Supervisor: Dmitri Vladimir Fedorov
Trading Card Games are a type of game centred around the concept of creating a deck from an open card pool. This…
Supervisor: Karsten Riisager
All children, large or small, young or old, find soap bubbles fascinating. But how can the world record free-floating…
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
Why can meteorologists only predict the weather a week ahead? Why can we not model the exact evolution of the solar…