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Supervisor: Liv Hornekær
I studiet om astronomi bliver man hurtigt bekendt med navne som Kepler, Herzsprung, Hubble, Einstein og Chandrasekhar.…
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Har du nogensinde overvejet, hvordan man skal bære sig ad som aspirerende astrofotograf? Kunne du godt tænke dig at…
Supervisor: Dmitri Vladimir Fedorov
Trading Card Games are a type of game centred around the concept of creating a deck from an open card pool. This…
Supervisor: Karsten Riisager
All children, large or small, young or old, find soap bubbles fascinating. But how can the world record free-floating…
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
Why can meteorologists only predict the weather a week ahead? Why can we not model the exact evolution of the solar…