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Quantum Campus Aarhus (QCA) invites all employees and students at Aarhus University, interested in quantum technologies, to the next QUBITS Seminar.
Group Leader Federico Mazzola, from Institute for Superconductors, Innovative Materials and Devices, will give a talk titled: Signatures of surface…
Claire Vallance, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford and Till Jahnke, Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe Universität will visit us and…
Informationsmøde for instituttets medarbejdere.
Den primære dagsorden er information, konsekvenser og opfølgning på besparelsesrunden.
Der vil være…
Speaker: Steen Hannestad, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies When: Wednesday, 26 March
Where: PhysAud
Title: Primordial gravitational waves and…
Titel: Syntese og karakterisering af Pd2Si. Vejleder: Arne Nylandsted Larsen. Censor: Kjeld Pedersen
Speaker: Mario Napolitano, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
Title: Interaction-based nonlinear quantum metrology with a cold atomic ensemble
I anledning af at Ulrik I. Uggerhøj er udnævnt til professor i eksperimentel høj-energi atomar fysik ved Institut for Fysik og Astronomi, Aarhus…
'Current and future research possibilities at the MAX IV laboratory'
Jan Knudsen
MAX-lab, Lund University
In the first…
Title: Controlling the rotational dynamics of molecules using combined laser pulses and static electric fields
Speaker: Juan Jose Omiste, Department…
Title: Shedding light on DNA conformational diversity via fluorescence
Speaker: Victoria Birkedal, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience center (iNANO) and…
Vejleder: Nikolaj Zinner
Torsdag den 6. marts kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
To legemer der bevæger sig rundt om…
Speaker: Birgitta Nordström, The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen When: Wednesday, 5 March, 2014
Where: 1520-732
Title: The Interplay…
om Opslag E2013 og F2014 + YDUN
Speaker: Johannes Andersen, The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen When: Tuesday, 4 March, 2014
Title: The Interplay of…
Vejleder: Steen Hannestad
Mandag den 3. marts kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Hvad er sandsynligheden for, at…