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Join the next Quantum Campus Aarhus seminar
Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard
Most people have interacted with a computer in some way. Whether it is making a phone call, buying something online or…
Bubbles and Beyond: The Hidden Physics in Soap and Water” explores the captivating world of soap bubbles through the lens…
Supervisor: Sune Jespersen
In this colloquium, we will explore the principles and applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a non-invasive…
Titel: Offentlig Støtte til Forskning og Udvikling i Industrien. Vejleder: Kristian H. Nielsen. Censor: Keld Nielsen
Titel: Scanning Tunneling Microscope Investigations of Graphene Coating on Pt(100) under Ambient and Aqueous Conditions. Vejleder: Liv Hornekær.…
Titel: Processing SkyTEM Soundings With Artificial Neural Networks. Vejleder: Esben Auken. Censor: Flemming Effersø, CEO SkyTEM Surveys.
Cold atoms and beyond
Titel: Femtosekund laserbearbejdning af tyndfilm: Anvendelser til temperatursensorer. Vejleder: Peter Balling. Censor: Jan Hald
Alle ansatte og ph.d.-studerende ved Science and Technology og Administrationscenter ST samt Backoffice inviteres til sommerfest fredag d. 20. juni…
Speaker: Philip Lubin, Physics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Location: 1520-616
Time: 2pm
Abstract: Our planet is…
Titel: Intensitetsstabilisering af en optisk pincet til manipulation af ultrakolde atomer. Vejleder: Jacob Sherson. Censor: Jan W. Thomsen.
Speaker: Antoine Browaeys, Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau, France
Title: Experimental investigations of resonant dipole-dipole interaction between…
Speaker: Erika Andersson, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Title: Quantum digital signatures
Digital signatures ensure that…
Speaker: Daniel Wegner, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Nederlands
Title: Spin-Orbit Coupling on Surfaces and…
'Epitaxial Graphene on SiC: Growth, Properties, and Manipulation'
Professor Dr. Thomas Seyller
Technische Universität…
Titel: En platform til menneske-baseret optimering: Gamificeret kvante-borgervidenskab. Vejleder: Jacob Sherson. Censor: Nils O. Andersen
I anledning af at Michael Drewsen er udnævnt til professor i eksperimentel AMO fysik ved Institut for Fysik og Astronomi, Aarhus Universitet,…
Speaker: Julian Glässel, Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg
Title: Hybrid atom-ion trap for sympathetic cooling of OH-anions by a…