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Join us for ORC, when Nini Pruds from DTU visits.
He will give a talk titled: Advancements in Thin Film Oxides: Exploring Interface Functionalities …
Join us for an exciting afternoon
Join us when Professor Ying Liu visits us and gives a talk titled: "Odd-parity, spin-triplet superconductivity and its possible realization"
Join us when Michał Suchorowski (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) visits us.
Join us when Lucas Schneider, University of California, Berkeley visits us and gives a talk titled: "Superconductivity in atom-by-atom crafted…
Speaker: Jesús Pérez Ríos, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University (USA)
Professor Marina Milner-Bolotin, University of British Columbia, Canada, visits IFA on 25 June. On this occasion, we will have a seminar of 45 minutes…
Join us when David Milstead from Stockholm University visits us
Join us for a mini-workshop focusing on project-based teaching, an essential component as we gear up for the new BSc program launching this Fall.
The kickoff event will be a full day with introduction to research within quantum technologies at Aarhus University, networking during poster session,…
Join us when Gianmarco Gatti visits us and give a talk titled: Out-of-plane interactions perturbing two-dimensional semiconductors
Det er vores store fornøjelse at invitere alle interesserede til det næste ORC – denne gang med besøg af Nobelprismodtager, Anne L’Huillier fra Lund…
Tag med PS! på en guidet tur fra IFA til Street Food.
All group leaders and group members at Aarhus University interested in structural biology and biophysics, from the sub-molecular to cellular scale and…
Supervisor: Martin Aagaard & Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Many people may only know the Tour de France, as the background noise to a nap in the…
Professor Matthew Johnson, Københavns Universitet, besøger Kemi og vil afholde et seminar med titlen: New Chlorine Radical Source over the North…
Supervisor: Ulrik Uggerhøj
The Electric guitar was first invented to allow musicians to play louder music, in front of more people. Earlier…
Join us in Sky Lounge (1520-737) for coffee, cake and talk.
Everyone is welcome!
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
How much can you learn by just looking at things? Actually, quite a lot if you know how to look. Spectroscopy is a…
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Står man en mørk efterårsaften i Norge, kan man være heldig at se et grønligt skær, der pulserer hen over himmelen.…
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