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Join us for an exciting afternoon
Fredag d. 20. september afholder vi Matchmaking i Fysisk Kantine fra kl. 14-16.30.
Arrangementet foregår på 4 lokationer i samarbejde med iNANO, Kemi…
Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM) invites to the annual seminar titled: "Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with…
Title: Imaging topological quantum states by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Title: Studying Stellar Evolution using Asteroseismology of Red Giants in Globular Clusters
The conference aims to explore the physics of quantum degenerate atomic gases, cold ions, as well as atomically thin semiconductors with a particular…
Speaker: Adi Pick, Faculty of Sciences, Applied Physics Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Title: Optimal adiabatic protocols for…