Every month during the semester the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites faculty and students to hear distinguished scientists discuss their research.
The Ole Rømer Colloquia display the latest developments in Physics and Astronomy and bring excellent speakers to our Department. Covering a wide range of topics, the ORC-talks are presented such that they address a broad general audience and aim at all of IFA’s scientific staff, postdocs, PhD students, MSc students as well as BSc students in their final year of study.
The colloquium starts at 14:00 with informal discussions, coffee and cake in front the Physics Auditorium, followed by the presentation until 15:15 including 15 min for questions. As part of the colloquium and right after the talk, participating students are given the opportunity of a ~30min meeting with the colloquium speaker for informal discussions, from, e.g., scientific questions to career-related issues.
Head of Committee: Simon Wall