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Join us for the next Ole Rømer Colloquium where Professor, Dr. Hans-Werner Hammer from TU Darmstadt will visit us
Titel: Forbedring af kræftudfald gennem udvikling og klinisk introduktion af CBCT-baseret dosisstyret adaptiv protonbehandling. Vejledere: Karsten…
Following the exciting week of Aerobiology Summer School, Hans Kjeldsen will give an evening lecture on Exoplanetary Atmospheres.
All are welcome to…
26-31 August 2018, Scandinavian Congress Center, Aarhus, Denmark
€50 (Lunch and coffee included)
Abstract: In this talk I will give an…
Titel: Manhattanprojektet: En analyse af udviklingen af et komplekst, stort teknologisk system. Vejleder: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen. Censor: Helge…
Dear researchers and students,
Interested in Thinking Machines? We encourage you to join the two-day international and interdisciplinary…
CQOM Seminar
Dr. Vincent Jarlaud, Imperial College, London, UK
Sideband Cooling of Ion Coulomb Crystals in a Penning Trap
We explore the evolution of a cold…
Titel: Udvikling af plasmoniske strukturer til solcelle opkonvertering. Vejleder: Peter Balling. Censor: Vladimir Popok.
Tilman Esslinger,
Institute for Quantum Electronics,
ETH Zurich,
Thomas Pohl
Joint CQOM/ITAMP Workshop on Quantum Simulations with Atoms and Light, 13-17 August 2018, AIAS