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Quantum Campus Aarhus (QCA) invites all employees and students at Aarhus University, interested in quantum technologies, to the next QUBITS Seminar.
Group Leader Federico Mazzola, from Institute for Superconductors, Innovative Materials and Devices, will give a talk titled: Signatures of surface…
Leonid Rokhinson will give a talk about: "Transport in 1D helical Luttinger liquids in the fractional quantum Hall regime"
Asger Gardner forsvarer sit speciale: "Laser-induced structuring of Titanium getters in Vacuum-Insulating Glass"
Vejleder: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen, Censor: Henrik G. Kjærgaard, Københavns Universitet
Mads Hansen Baattrup forsvarer sit speciale: "Unraveling Neutron Spectra Using Gamma ray-Spectroscopy: A Beta-Decay Study of 8-He at IDS"
Anders Kragh Bali forsvarer sit speciale: ”Fagdidaktisk undersøgelse af det numeriske aspekt på bacheloruddannelsen på Fysik: Et case studie af…
Christiane Rahbek forsvarer sit speciale: ”A study of charged particle emission from the beta-decay of 8He”.
Title: Emerging Phenomena at Oxide Interfaces – insight from scanning magnetometry and beyond
IFAs årlige undervisningspris uddeles til Albert Freud Abildgaard for Årets bedste instruktor 2022 og Aurelien Dantan for Årets bedste underviser…