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In this seminar, I will present how the physics adopted in stellar models impacts the seismic properties of stars, and reversely how asteroseismology…
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
(note time and place)
Titel: Power-flow Modeling in Complex Renewable Electricity Networks. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Paolo Sibani
Title: “Multi-Particle Correlation Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules Exposed to Weak and Strong X-ray Fields”
What did the ancient Greeks and Romans think about the possibility of life on other worlds? What would extra-terrestrial life-forms look like? What…
MIT: Gabriela S. Schlau-Cohen (external speaker)
Elucidating the dynamics of single photosynthetic light-harvesting…
ETH Zürich: Matthias Troyer (external speaker)
The challenge of achieving quantum supremacy in quantum simulators
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
Torsdag den 12. februar kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
I mange år har…
DESY: Karl Jansen (external speaker
Status and open problems of lattice field theories
Quantum Optics Seminar
Title: Modern Quantum Technology with trapped Ions
Speaker: Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, QUANTUM, Institut für Physik,…
Sted: Aud. D1
Tid: Fredag d.6 marts 15.15-16.00 (kaffe, te og kage fra 15.05)
Titel: En rekonstruktion af Fizeaus eksperiment - Et Demonstrationsforsøg. Vejleder: Ulrik Uggerhøj. Censor: Peter Panum Kjeldsen
Title: "Status and Operation of the Metrology Light Source in Berlin"
Speaker: Jörg Feikes, MLS, Berlin
The PTB, the German…
Kære medarbejdere
Hovedemnet på dagsorden er information om ”Rigets tilstand”.
Når mødet er slut, er der en frokost sandwich udenfor lokalet, som…
Title: The Astrophysics of Stellar Clusters
Speaker: Melvyn Davies
Lund Observatory
Stellar clusters are…