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Titel: Superfluidity Mediated by Density Fluctuations in a Two Dimensional Dipolar Gas. Vejleder: Georg Bruun. Censor: Brian Møller Andersen.
Titel: Superconducting Circuits in Quantum Computation. Vejleder: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner. Censor: Matthias Christandl.
Der afholdes introduktionsforelæsning ved Michael Drewsen om kurset Studenterkollokvium. Deltag, hvis du skal følge kurset.
Abstract TBA
Ultrafast laser nanostructuring inside optical glasses;
applications in 3D photonics
R. Stoian
Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR 5516 CNRS,…
Titel: An Asteroseismological Survey of the Star Herculis. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen. Censor: Michael Bjerring Christiansen.
Speaker: Erik Adli, Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Technology, University of Oslo, Norway
Title : Recent progress in…
Titel: Impact of Light Contamination on Observed Exoplanetary Atmosphere. Vejledere: Hans Kjeldsen og Brandon Tingley. Censor: Michael Bjerring…
SPEAKER: Benjamin D'Anjou, Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal QC, Canada
TITLE: Optimization of real-world qubit measurements
In 2007, the 20 million year old pre-main sequence star J1407 underwent a complex series of eclipses lasting two months, showing temporal structure…
Professor Henrik Skov
Department of Environmental Science, Arctic Research Centre Aarhus University
There is growing evidence that variability associated with the 11-year solar cycle has an impact at the Earth's surface and influences its weather and…