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Titel: Precise Measurements of Stellar Radial Velicities - A New, Open-Source Pipeline for Iodine Cell Doppler Spectroscopy. Vejleder: Frank Grundahl.…
Titel: Helium Variations in The Galactic Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae. Vejledere: Frank Grundahl og Karsten Frank Brogaard. Censor: Johan Fynbo.
Titel: Impact of Stellar Activity on the Measured Radii of Exoplanets. Vejledere: Hans Kjeldsen og Brandon Tingley. Censor: Michael Bjerring…
Titel: Detailed Study of Exoplanet Properties - An Analysis of 139 Exoplanets Orbiting Asteroseismic Targets. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen. Censor: Michael…
Titel: Physics of Nerves: Action Potentials in Lumbricus Terrestris Axons in The Presence of Anaesthetics, and The Collision of Pulses. Vejleder: Sune…
Titel: Kreativt formidlingsprojekt som læringsstrategi: En design-based research undersøgelse af kurset Astrofysik. Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen og Ole…
Titel: Towards a More Realistic Wind-Farm Power Optimization and Control. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Peter Kjeldsen.
QUSCOPE seminar
Speaker: Matthias Christandl, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen,
Title: Clean quantum and classical…
Titel: A Biological Modelling Based Evaluation of Proton Therapy for Focal Boosting in Prostate Tumours: Beam Angle Evaluation, Patient Selection and…
Titel: Interpreting Quantum Mechanics. Vejleder: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen. Censor: Helge Kragh.
Tirsdag den 21. juni kl. 12.00 holder vi indvielse af AMO-line ved ASTRID2 med den tilhørende XRING end-station
Vi vil gerne fejre…
Titel: Real-Time Dose Reconstruction for Moving Targets During Radiotherapy Delivery. Vejledere: Niels Bassler, Thomas Lyhne Ravkilde og Per Rugaard…
Titel: Hyperpolarized Xenon for NMR A Dissolution DNP Approach. Vejledere: Hans Fynbo, Christoffer Laustsen og Steffen Ringgaard. Censor: Lars Hanson.
Microorganisms have been proposed to play a role in shaping Earth's climate by acting as ice nuclei (IN), which influence the formation of clouds.…
Titel: SRCD and Absorption Investigations of Photoproducts Created by UV Irradiations of DNA Thymine Single Strands. Vejleder: Søren Vrønning…
Speaker: Vikram Vyas, Centre for Theoretical Physics, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi, IndiaLocation: 1520-616Time: 10 June at 11:15-12:00
This seminar will present some of the more methodological aspects linked to inversion techniques. After an introduction to the mathematical context,…
High-precision time series photometry with the Kepler satellite has been crucial to our understanding both of exoplanets, and via asteroseismology, of…
Titel: Spectroscopic properties of type lbc and llb Supernovae. Vejleder: Maximilian Stritzinger. Censor: Johan Fynbo.