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Join us for an exciting afternoon
Fredag d. 20. september afholder vi Matchmaking i Fysisk Kantine fra kl. 14-16.30.
Arrangementet foregår på 4 lokationer i samarbejde med iNANO, Kemi…
Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM) invites to the annual seminar titled: "Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with…
Title: New moves in spin choreography: quantum control of atomic qubits and quditsSpeaker: Poul Jessen, Center for Quantum Information and Control…
'Squeezing light out of silicon'
Brian Julsgaard
Silicon is one of the most important elements in modern…
Speaker: Eric Sandquist, Astronomy Department, San Diego State University, USA
Title: Mass and Age from Star Clusters in Kepler and Beyond
Tid: Fredag d. 11. okt., kl.…
Vejleder: Helge KraghTorsdag den 10. oktober kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
I 1916 publicerede…
Specialetitel: Optimering af vindmølleparkers energiudbytte baseret på data-støttede generaliseringer af wake modeller. Vejleder: Martin Greiner.…
Simulation of gauge theories on optical lattices II - Quantum magnetism and emerging dynamical gauge fields
Gergely Szirmai,…
Speaker: Andrea Fischer, Cambridge University
Title: BCS-BEC crossover in a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas
Simulation of gauge theories on optical lattices I - External gauge fields
Gergely Szirmai, Institute for Solid State Physics…
Program: Hans Buhl: ORO's historie I korte træk …
Titel: Krystalundulatorer. Vejleder: Ulrik Uggerhøj. Censor: Michael Bjerring Christiansen
Vejleder: Ole Eggers BjældeTorsdag den 3. oktober kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Fra vores lille…
Speaker: Ebbe Bak
Title: Oxidants in the Martian soil and wind-driven erosion as a source of hydrogen peroxide
Location: 1520-732