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Title: Strongly interacting bosons on optical lattice ladders with flux
Speaker: Ulrich Schollwöck, University of Munich
In this talk I…
Title: Introduction to Matrix Product States
In this series of lectures I want to…
Truslen fra asteroiderne
Nikolaj Sloth Züricho
Vejleder: Ole J. Knudsen
Fredag den 28. august kl. 09.15
Fysisk Auditorium
Du har hørt det før:…
Title: Ultrafast dynamics of gaseous ions
Speaker: Jan R. R. Verlet, Durham University
Time-resolved photoelectron…
Titel: Optimal Heterogeneity in a Highly Renewable Pan-European Electricity System Based on Wind, Solar, Hydro and Biomass Resources. Vejleder: Martin…
Vejleder: Hans Kjeldsen
Torsdag den 27. august kl. 13.15Fysisk Auditorium
Lyn er så hyppigt et fænomen her på…
Titel: Scalar and Vector Flow Tracing in a Simplified Highly Renewable European Electricity Network. Vejleder: Martin Greiner. Censor: Jens Juul…
Titel: Investigation of Dual Species Bose-Einstein Condensates. Vejleder: Jan Arlt. Censor: Jörg Helge Müller.
Tuesday 18 August, 2015 at 14.15-14.45Building 1520-732
Speaker: Kean Loon Lee
Title: Kinetics of two-component trapped condensates at…
Titel: Curlingens fysik - hvorfor falder curlingstenen. Vejleder: Hans Fynbo. Censor: Per Hedegård, NBI
For our understanding of planetary system formation, it is important to determine how the number and characteristics of extrasolar planets depend on…
Title: Control and cooling of nanoparticles in vacuum
Speaker: Dr James Millen, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Techonolgy
Time and place:…