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Supervisor: Ulrik Uggerhøj
The Electric guitar was first invented to allow musicians to play louder music, in front of more people. Earlier…
Join us in Sky Lounge (1520-737) for coffee, cake and talk.
Everyone is welcome!
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
How much can you learn by just looking at things? Actually, quite a lot if you know how to look. Spectroscopy is a…
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Står man en mørk efterårsaften i Norge, kan man være heldig at se et grønligt skær, der pulserer hen over himmelen.…
Supervisor: Karsten Riisager
Dette kollokvium vil dykke ned i fysikken bag den akustiske guitar med særligt fokus på guitarens strenge, topplade,…
Supervisor: Esben B. Andersen, Red Bull Racing
In the world of motorsport, Formula 1 is the crème de la crème of engineering excellence and speed.…
Sæt kryds i kalenderen onsdag den 17. april, når PS! inviterer til hvidvinssmagning
TÆNK, hvis naturvidenskaben ikke skriver Gud ud af ligningen
Supervisor: Heine Dølrath Thomsen
Med nutidens accelerator-teknologi inden for accelererende elektriske felter er energitilvæksten begrænset til ~10…
Supervisor: Jon Merrison
The phenomenon of lightning has always fascinated humans. Historically attributed to the rage of thundergods, lightning has…
Prisen for 2023 uddeles til Thomas Hansen for Årets bedste instruktor og Steen Brøndsted Nielsen for Årets bedste underviser.
Alle er velkomne når…
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Alle har nok hørt om middelalderens kastevåben, deriblandt katapulten, før. Dog var der et belejringsvåben, der…
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
A History of our understanding of Gravitation
Gravitation is one of the four fundamental forces of our universe and…
Speaker: József Fortágh, Center for Quantum Science, University of Tübingen, Germany www.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/fortagh
Supervisor: Mia Sloth Lundkvist
Humanity has been gazing up at the stars wondering about our place in the universe, and wondering if there are other…
Supervisor: Steen Hannestad
Have you ever wondered why the universe is, at it is? Why are we here? Where does it all begin? Is there a beginning? Why…
Title: Organic (photo)chemistry in space to the origins of life.
Title: Mutual neutralization and decay processes studied in the cryogenic double storage ring, DESIREE.
Instituttet markerer Liv Hornekærs 25 års jubilæum i Statens tjeneste
IFA inviterer tidligere studerende og ansatte til IFAs alumnedag 2024
Oplægget er på dansk
Join us when Carrie Nugent visits the next ORC
Marcel Mudrich will give a talk about Helium nanodroplets and free electron lasers and how they are a perfect match.
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