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Marcel Mudrich will give a talk about Helium nanodroplets and free electron lasers and how they are a perfect match.
Join us when Dr. Ulrich Krieger will give a talk titled: A fresh look at the gas-to-particle partitioning of atmospheric ammonium nitrate.
Join us when Nikolaos Proukakis visits us. He will give a talk titled: Dissipation in ultracold quantum gases
Join us for a talk titled: Two laser-excited-material presentations and discussions
Supervisor: Allan H. Sørensen
I 1905 udgav Einstein en epokegørende artikel, som præsenterede, hvad der senere skulle blive kendt som den specielle…
Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov
I 1982 gav Richard Feynman en forelæsning på MIT. Har fremlagde han ideen om at udnytte kvantemekaniske mekanismer til at…
Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard
In 1913, the Bohr model was introduced: The first quantized model of the atom. In 1924, de Broglie associated a…
Supervisor: Phillip Hoffmann
The 19th of July this summer three American groups collaboratively published an article in Nature about a self-healing…
Supervisor: Steen Hannestad
De vildeste objekter i vores univers er uden tvivl sorte huller. Områder i rummet, hvor tyngdekraften er så stærk, at…
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
Ubegrænset, pålidelig energiproduktion uden nogen form for udledning af drivhusgasser eller fare for nedsmeltning. Fusion…
Supervisor: Mogens Christensen
Hvorfor bruger vi stadig fossile brændstoffer? I Danmark er en stor del af vores elforsyning dækket af vindkraft. Men…
Supervisor: Frank Grundahl
Mælkevejens halo. Et ekko af fortiden. Hvad kan den fortælle os? Dette er hvad jeg vil komme ind på i mit kollokvium. Her…
Supervisor: Aurelien Dantan
In 1982, a peer-reviewed paper raised the audacious idea that Faster-Than-Light (FTL) communication could be achieved…
Supervisor: Christian Joas
Every physics student is well familiar with the Schrödinger equation in both its time-dependent and time-independent…
Supervisor Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen
Did you know that graduate students are six times more likely to experience depression and anxiety than the…
Philip Wilke, Tenure-Track Professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, will give a talk titled: Quantum Science with Single Atoms and Molecules on…
Join us when Dr. Peter Jürgens- Goltermann from Max-Born Institut will give a talk titled: Exploring High-Harmonic Generation in Solids: From…
Postdoc from Mads Clausen Institute, SDU Christian Frydendahl will give a talk titled: Nanophotonics for optoelectronic device applications in novel…
Supervisor: Lars Bojer Madsen
Dette års nobelpris blev givet for opdagelsen af attosekund fysik. Men hvorfor er attosekund tidsskalaen så…
DART, which stands for Double Asteroid Redirection Test, is an exciting mission conducted by NASA to develop technology…
Supervisor: Philip Hofmann
Recently, South Korean researchers claimed that a material called LK-99 is a superconductor at ambient pressure and room…
Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
I marts 2023 udgave IPCC den samlede udgave af dets sjette vurdering rapport. Rapporten indsamler og vurderer viden om…
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