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Vejleder: Klaus Mølmer
Mandag den 29. februar kl. 14.15
Fysisk Auditorium
From “Quiet Corner” to “Major Crossroad:” Quantum Many-Body Physics in the 1950s
Titel: An Experimental Study of Aerosol Settling Rates in Rarefied Gases. Vejleder: Jonathan P. Merrison. Censor: Peter Lang Langen
Cold Atomic Physics Seminar
Title: Frequency stabilization of diode lasers and possible applications for ultracoldatoms experiments
Speaker: M.Sc.…
Speaker: Jill Miwa, IFA
Title: Designing Materials for Quantum Computing
Coffee/tea and cake will be served from 15:00
Modelling study to quantify the impact of ice nucleation active bacteria on weather and climateMaher Sahyoun 1,2 , Niels Woetmann Nielsen 1 , Jens…
Kunne du tænke dig at udvide dit netværk og samtidig få en god dialog omkring dine specifikke fagtekniske problemstillinger inden for gasser og…
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