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Vejleder: Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen
1/12/2016 kl. 14Fysisk…
Vejleder: Jacob Friis Sherson
24/11 kl. 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
En central karakteristik for…
Titel: Filling Space with Numbers: Geometry, Symmetry and Countability
Taler: Gæsteforsker Nathan L. Harshman
Tid: Fredag d. 2. december 2016, kl.…
Supervisor: Matthias Heymann
05/12, 14:15Physics Auditorium
There seems to a problem with…
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
5/12 2016 kl. 15.15-16.00Fysisk Auditorium
Hvordan mon en kat…
Vejleder: Thomas Bull Andersen
Dato og…
Title: Characterization of Metal Nanoparticles and Their Interaction with Atomic Carbon and Carbon-based Molecules for Graphene Synthesis …
Vejleder: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner
12/12-16 kl.…
Page 1 of 3.
22. Dec kl 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
Bobler i stout og især Guinness viser et…
Citizen science is the practice of involving…
Title: Investigation of Complex Control Landscapes of an Evaporative Cooling Process.
Supervisor: Jacob Sherson
External Examiner: Jorg Helge Muller
Vejleder: Karsten Frank Brogaard
19/12 kl. 15:15Fysisk…
Title: Motion and Deformation of Target During Radiotherapy of Esophaguscancer.
Supervisor: Karsten Riisager
External Examiner: Faisal Mahmood
Title: Gasfasespektroskopi af chromophor-ioner.
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Extern Examiner: Theis Sølling
Field-induced superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides
Jianting Ye
Device Physics of Complex Materials, Zernike Institute for…
Noelle Walsh
MAX IV Laboratory, Lund, Sweden
Low Density Matter Research at MAX IV: A New Generation of Experiments
Our group currently investigates a new method to dispersively measure…
Experimental advances in controlling and probing single neutral atoms has proven…
Supervisor: Alberto Imparato
12/12 – 15:15Physical Auditorium
Man har set i eksperimenter, at…