EU ITN Network within Circuit and Cavity QED

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AIAS, build. 1632
The Final Meeting of the EU ITN CCQED focused on research within Circuit and Cavity QED will take place at Aarhus University, Denmark, October 29–31, 2014.
Besides 14 talks given by the network fellows and senior CCQED members, we are delighted to announce the following invited international speakers:
• Andrew Briggs, Oxford University, UK: Coupling of electron spin ensembles to cavity fields
• Philippe Grangier, Institute d’Optique, F: Controlling quantum states of the light using Rydberg atoms in an optical cavity
• Benjamin Huard, École Normale Supérieure, F: Circuit CQED with superconducting qubits.
• Peter Lodahl, University of Copenhagen, DK: Quantum dots in photonic crystals
• Dan Stamper-Kurn, Berkeley University, US: Cold ensembles of atoms in cavities
We welcome everyone to attend the talks. (Catering is not included.)