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Issue-attention cycles, framings og journalistiske normer i udvalgte danske mediers dækning af HPV-vaccinen, 1991-2017
Supervisor: Jan Arlt
Many important phenomena in solid state physics rely on the complex structure and interactions in a lattice structure.
In this…
Mikkel Christensen, Aarhus University
Title: Observation of fluctuations in a BEC
15:15-15:30 Questions and Coffee/tea and cake
Supervisor: Jacob Sherson
Er der skjulte variabler i kvantemekanikken? Dette omhandler den såkaldte EPR-artikel. John S. Bells svar på EPR-artiklen…
Har du nogensinde undret dig over, hvorfor vi ser regnbuen? Har du nogensinde lagt mærke til alle detaljerne i regnbuen?
Titel: Trapping and Manipulation of Ultra Cold Atoms in Tailor-made Light Fields. Vejleder: Jacob F. Sherson. Censor: Anders Brusch.
Abstract: Rydberg non-linear optics [1,2] has emerged as a viable approach to induce strong effective photon-photon interactions, e.g. for…
A recent American poll shows that 81% of the public cannot name a single living scientist. This is a troubling development…
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