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Titel: Dynamical and Thermodynamic Properties of Disordered Networks. Vejleder: Alberto Imparato. Censor: Michael Andersen Lomholt.
Recent high angular resolution ALMA observations of the 1.1 mm continuum and of HCO+J=3–2 and HCN J=3–2 gas towards the binary protostar IRS 43 reveal…
Vejleder: Dmitri Fedorov
29/9/2016 14.15Fys. Aud.
Trådløst internet bruges af de…
Trust a Justification Means for Testimonial Knowledge in Science
Within the last 10 years and at an accelerating pace, space-based observations have been exposing the interiors of stars at all stages of their…
Vejleder: Steen Brøndsted
26. september 2016, klokken 15.15Fysisk Auditorium
Er det…
Vejleder: Henrik B. Pedersen
26/09/2016 – 14:15Fysisk Auditorium
Det kan virke utroligt at…
Is it possible to get hired by a large company when you recently completed your education,…
Superflares are flares that release total energy 10∼10^4 times greater than that of the biggest solar flares with energy of ∼10^32 erg. We searched…
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