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Vejleder: Heine Dølrath Thomsen
Mandag den 14. december kl 9:15Fysisk Auditorium
Titel: Exoplanets
Foredragsholder: Brandon Tingley
Tid: fredag d. 11 kl. 15.15 (kaffe, te og kage fra 15.05)
Sted: Aud. D1
Abstract: …
25th 52Lab Symposium with the title: The future of Femtosecond lasers - the next 25 years
Titel: Spectroscopic Analysis of The Binary Star Omicron Leonis with SONG. Vejleder: Frank Grundahl. Censor: Johan Fynbo
Titel: An Experimental System for Photo-Fragmentation Studies of Molecular Ions. Vejleder: Henrik B. Pedersen. Censor: Jens Lykke Sørensen
Titel: Analysis of The Detached Eclipsing Binary V4 in The Open Cluster NGC2506. Vejleder: Frank Grundahl og Karsten Brogaard. Censor: Johan Fynbo
Vejleder: Simon Albrecht
Torsdag den 10. december kl. 08.15Fysisk Auditorium
Prior to exoplanets, planet formation…
Torben Eilskov Leth
CEO, Max Manus
Transition from physics to business – easier than you might…
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