Studenterkollokvium - Christian Foldager Andersen: A physicist’s approach to trading card games using statistics and game theory
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Supervisor: Dmitri Vladimir Fedorov
Trading Card Games are a type of game centred around the concept of creating a deck from an open card pool. This leads to a so-called game with imperfect information.
The options a player has should be chosen to maximise their chance at winning a tournament for a given metagame. The main options players have are deck size, deck type and cards for countering other strategies.
This talk breaks down the relevant maths and attempts to quantify the key elements of each of these three central options in order to make optimal decisions for players entering a tournament.
For deck size the multivariate hypergeometric distribution is employed.
For deck type we look at win rates of different decks and representations, and explore the most efficient ways to obtain these quantities using Bayes’ theorem.
Finally we look at cards for countering other strategies and how to pick them in terms of how effective they are in general.