SPM workshop
€50 (Lunch and coffee included)
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SPM workshop
Sunday 26th August , 10:00-16:00, €50 (Lunch and coffee included)
The workshop is aimed for young scientist but also for experienced researchers interested in advances in SPM. The SPM tutorials will cover the following topics:
Atomic force microscopy (Prof. Jeppe Lauritsen)
- AFM basics
- non-contact AFM
- forces in AFM
- contrast interpretation in atom-resolved AFM
- Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- novel developments
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (Prof. Katharina Franke)
- theory of STM
- tunneling spectroscopy methods and experimental examples
- energy resolution in STS
- inelastic tunneling spectroscopy (vibrations and spin excitations)
- recent advances in tunneling spectroscopy
Quasiparticle interference (Prof. Carsten Busse)
- QPI basics
- experiment and data analysis
- selection rules (spin, pseudospin)
- suppression of scattering signal (layer polarization, destructive interference)
How to measure magnetic properties of adsorbates on surfaces using STM (Prof. Katharina Franke)
- spin excitations
- Kondo effect
- Shiba states
Advanced STM techniques (Prof. Alexander Ako Khajetoorians)
-atomic manipulation
-spin-polarized STM (of atoms and thin metallic films)
-time-resolved STM applied to magnetic systems