Aarhus Universitets segl

SAC Seminar - Ebbe Bak: Oxidants in the Martian soil and wind-driven erosion as a source of hydrogen peroxide

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Tirsdag 1. oktober 2013,  kl. 14:00 - 15:00



Speaker: Ebbe Bak

Title: Oxidants in the Martian soil and wind-driven erosion as a source of hydrogen peroxide

Location: 1520-732


There are several indications for the presence of oxidants in Martian soil, but the nature and sources of the oxidants are unknown. I will present our work on wind-driven erosion as a possible source of oxidants in relation to Mars, early Earth and terrestrial planets in general. Furthermore, I will introduce our current work on how eroded silicates can react with atmospheric compounds, and how this might explain the recent finding of chloromethane on Mars.