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Spectroscopy of late-type stars is usually based on one-dimensional (1D) hydrostatic model atmospheres and local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). It…
Tuesday 15 August 2017
European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) holder sin 17. årlige konference på Aarhus Universitet 14. - 17. august 2017.
Hans Kjeldsen og Kai Finster fra AU holder foredrag med offentlig adgang søndag den 13. august klokken 19:00 i Auditorium F. Gratis adgang. Tag…
Recently, the study of the influence of solar activity on the Earth's climate received strong attention, mainly due to the possibility, proposed by…
The epsilon-mechanism is a self-excitation mechanism of pulsations which acts on the regions where nuclear burning takes place. It has been shown that…
Titel: Ionization of Hydrogen with Static and Time Dependent Electric Fields. Vejleder:Lars Bojer Madsen. Censor: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen.
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