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Titel: Building a High Resolution Imaging System for Detecting, Addressing and Manipulating Single, Optically Trapped Atoms.
Vejleder: Jacob Sherson …
Kvinder i Fysik Invites From Physics to Fashion Job as a Data Scientist
Speaker: Nanna Bill Andersen
Where: Department of Mathematics Ny Munkegade…
Experiencing Deep and Global Currents at a Prototypical Strait, 1860s and 1980s
Supervisor: Steen Hannestad
Date student colloquium: 10/4 -17, kl 14-15
Fine-Tuning er…
Due to an incomplete treatment of turbulent convection, 1D stellar evolution codes do not agree with asteroseismic measurements at high frequencies.…
Career Opportunities at NKT Photonics A/S - seminar by Lasse Leick, Head of Development Engineering.
Date student colloquium: 6/4-17 kl. 15.15
Standardmodellen, som vi kender…
Koncertevent med Aarhus Sinfonietta og GAIA koret. Intro ved Ole J. Knudsen.
Maja Juhl Lassen, studievejleder for Fysik og Astronomi holder oplæg omkring semesterstrukturen og tilvalg for hhv. 1. og 2. års studerende den 3/4 kl…
Supervisor: Ulrik Uggerhøj
Date student colloquium: 03.04.2017
Since the invention of the…
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