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Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen
The comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization (CTBTO) with its seat in Vienna ensures that no testing of nuclear…
Supervisor: Henrik B. Pedersen
Kuglebaner er et kendt legetøj, som de fleste har prøvet at lege med. Kuglebaner sælges både til børn og voksne, og…
Der er Ordinær Generalforsamling i IFA's personaleforening PS! Torsdag den 27. oktober kl. 12:00 i 1520-737
Kom endelig og hør hvad vi laver, og…
Epistemic responsibility in science
Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Is there a superhero who run in air vents but still throw cars around? Could somebody change their height from…
Title: Astrochemistry: a journey through the molecular universe
Supervisor: Jan Arlt
We are constantly using electricity and living without it is unimaginable for us. But not only humans use electricity in their…
Supervisor: Steen Hannestad
Mørkt stof er et fænomen, vi har kendt til i omkring 50 år. Men det er stadig et af de største uløste problemer, vi…
The time has come for the annual IFA picnic, and of course you will participate too!
Something from Nothing: ‘Non-discovery’ and Transformations in High Energy Experimental Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
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