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Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen
Every second the Earth is hit by thousands of very energetic particles per square meter – either gamma rays or charged…
Kom og spil med. Der er fine præmier!
Title: Asteroseismic analysis and age estimation of selected TESS stars. Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen. External examiner: Uffe Graae Jørgensen
Title: Measurements of Accurate G-mode Frequencies: A study of the cores of subgiant stars. Supervisor: Hans Kjeldsen. External examiner: Uffe Graae…
Supervisor: Brian Julsgaard
Transistors are used everywhere, from our smartphones to radios and planes. Through the years, transistors have become…
NB: different date and room
Paul Scheier, Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Supervisor: Klaus Mølmer
Kvantemekanikken adskiller sig fra den velkendte klassiske fysik på adskillige punkter, hvoraf et af de mest udfordrende at…
Title: Calculating few-body resonances with correlated Gaussians. Supervisor: Dmitri Fedorov. External examiner: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen
Title: Realizing Lattice Gauge Theory via Direct Three-Body Interactions in Superconducting Circuits. Supervisor: Nikolaj Thomas Zinner. External…
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