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Title: Sea Ice Thickness - SMOS Observations and Coupled Models: A Comparative Study based in Baffin Bay. Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff. External…
Title: Detection of High Energy Muons with Small Showers in IceCube. Supervisor: Ulrik Uggerhøj. External examiner: Peter Panum Kjeldsen
Præsentation af IFA's forskningsgrupper og mulige bachelor- og masterprojekter
The Measurement Problem and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Jeppe D. Christiansen
Supervisor: Samuel Schindler
Friday the 25th of September at…
Vejleder: Peter Balling
Fredag den 25. september kl. 8.15Fysisk Auditorium
Laservåben hører ikke længere kun…
Vejleder: Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
Torsdag den 24. september kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
I 2004…
Vejleder: Karsten Riisager
Tordag d. 24/9 kl. 13:15 - 14.00
Fysisk Auditorium
I 1896 tog…
Each year, Horizon 2020 gives significant research grants to the best reachers for eg. large research and innovation projects within eg. climate and…
Title: The Physical Parameters of HD 185351 - Asteroseismology and Stellar Evolution Models. Supervisor: Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard. External…
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