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Supervisor: Christoffer Karoff
Lige siden 400 f.K.r. har man vidst at Jorden er rund; kugle rund! Aristoteles observerede at skibe forsvandt udover…
Title: Characterisation and Simulation of Photodetectors for Microwave Photonics Applications. Supervisor: Martijn Heck. External Examiner: Jens Lykke…
Title: Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Niobium Doped Bismuth Selenide: NbxBi2Se3. Supervisor: Philip Hofmann. External Examiner: Lars…
Title: Cone-beam CT Based Dose Calculation in the Thorax Region. Supervisor: Karsten Riisager. External Examiner: Faisal Mahmood.
Title: Molekylær adsorption på kanter af MoS_2. Supervisor: Jeppe Vang Lauritsen. External Examiner: Lars Diekhöner.
Celebration of Michael Drewsen’s 25th anniversary in government service.
Title: Designing, Building, and Characterising a Femtosecond, Tunable VUV Light Source. Supervisor: Henrik Stapelfeldt. External Examiner: Esben…
Supervisor: Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
Gennem de seneste 20 år er der sket store fremskridt inden for asteroseismologi af røde kæmpestjerner. Disse…
Women in Physics (KiF) are inviting you to attend the KiF annual meeting on November 22nd 2017 at the Royal Danish Academy of Science in Copenhagen. …
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