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Rydberg polaritons offer a unique way to create strong interactions for photons. We utilize these interactions to demonstrate a…
We will show a documentary on Boltzmann's life and work.
The movie is about the…
Supervisor: Alberto Imparato
Ludwig Boltzmann var en af 1800-tallets mest indflydelsesrige tænkere. Han var en stærk fortaler for atomhypotesen og…
Supervisor: Jacob Sherson
Presently universal, scalable classical computers (Turing machines) are ubiquitous. Using super computers it is possible to…
Issue-attention cycles, framings og journalistiske normer i udvalgte danske mediers dækning af HPV-vaccinen, 1991-2017
Supervisor: Jan Arlt
Many important phenomena in solid state physics rely on the complex structure and interactions in a lattice structure.
In this…
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