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Title: Supernova neutrinos – flavor evolution and signals
Speaker: Tina Lund, North Carolina State University, USA
Location: 1520-516Time:…
In keeping with tradition the department invites all employees to a Christmas lecture followed by a lunch in Fysisk Kantine. This year the lecturer…
Vejleder: Nikolaj T. Zinner
Mandag den 16. december kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Kan en sommerfugl,…
Title: Direct Patterning with TiO2 Nanoparticles for Thin Film Solar Cell Applications. Supervisor: Arne Nylandsted Larsen. External examinator: Per…
For more than a decade, the translational degrees of freedom of trapped ensembles of molecular ions have efficiently been cooled to the few…
'Resolving and manipulating attosecond processes via strong-field light-matter interactions'
Nirit Dudovich
Molecular Physics Seminar
Title: Imaging the Three-Body Wavefunction of Fragmenting Triatomic Hydrogen
Speaker: Steffen Meyer,…
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