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Title: Christian Horrebow's Observations of the Sun - an Analysis of His Observational Protocols and Articles with the Aim to Gain an Understanding of…
Title: Theoretical and Experimental Physics with Ultra-cold Atoms using Citizen Science. Supervisor: Jacob Sherson. External examiner: Nils Overgaard…
Speaker: Erik Urban, University of Califonia, Berkeley, USA
Titel: Translationally Invariant Trapped Ion Rings
Typical linear ion trap…
Title: Exploration and Exploitation in Quantum Optimization Landscapes. Supervisor: Jacob Sherson. External examiner: Bjarne Andresen.
Title: Fantastic Control Functions and How to Find Them. Supervisor: Jacob Sherson. External examiner: Bjarne Andresen.
Title: Dissecting the Milky Way Disc Using Asteroseismology. Supervisor: Victor Silva Aguirre. External examiner: Allan Hornstrup.
Title: Testing Asteroseismic Radii With Kepler and Gaia. Supervisor: Victor Silva Aguirre. External examiner: Allan Hornstrup.
Title: Radiocarbon in Atlantic Cod Otoliths. Supervisor: Jesper Olsen. External examiner: Bent Lauritzen.
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