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Title: Quantum Physics with Ultra-Cold Atoms: from Bose-Einstein Condensation to Quantum Simulation
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Birkl, Institut für…
Title: Experimental Investigation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Catalysts for Molecular Hydrogen Formation in the Interstellar Medium.…
Title: Absorption spectroscopy of isolated protonated nucleobases and water complexes. Supervisor: Steen Brøndsted Nielsen. External examinator:…
Vejleder: Frank Grundahl
Torsdag den 30. Januar kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium
Indtil omkring århundredeskiftet var…
Title: Composing and characterizing a diode laser system for experiments with cooled ions in a linear Paul trap. Supervisor: Michael Drewsen. External…
The AMS Centre invites all interested to an inauguration of our new accelerator.
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