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[Translate to English:] PS! Temaaften om Sydafrika
Hertz's Theory of Mechanistic Images. A precursor of Mathematical Models?
Jesper Lützen, Institute for Mathematics, University of Copenhagen
In Die…
Title: An analysis of cultural electromagnetic noise in relation to SNMR. Supervisor: Jakob Juul Larsen. External examinator: Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen
Title: The stereodynamics of inelastic scattering of NO(X) by the rare gases
Speaker: Mark Brouard, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford,…
Vejleder: Alberto Imparato
Mandag den 14. april kl. 14.15Fysisk Auditorium …
Sted: D1Tid: Fredag d. 11. april 15.15-16.00 (kaffe, te og kage fra kl. 15.05) …
Vejleder: Helge Kragh
Torsdag den 10. april kl. 14.15Fysisk…
'Molecular resonances and ultrafast dual photoresponse of anionic biochromophores'
Anastasia Bochenkova
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