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Title: Machine Learning in Atomic Simulations. Supervisor: Bjørk Hammer. External examiner: Kristian Thygesen.
Introductory Lecture by Michael Drewsen about the course Student Colloquium. Please participate if you have any plans about following the course.
DFF invites for an information meeting. Join the meeting and learn more about the call for fall 2017 and spring 2018. The meeting will be held in…
All employees and PhD students at Science and Technology and the ST Administration Centre are invited to the summer celebration on Friday 25 August…
Speaker: GerhardZuern, University of Heidelberg
Title: Controlling correlations in few fermion systems
Properties of many-body quantum…
The European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) 17th annual conference takes place in Aarhus from 14-17 August, 2017
Hans Kjeldsen og Kai Finster give a lecture on Sunday 13. August in Auditorium F. Free admission; bring your family. It will be in Danish, but the…
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